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Anzac Tribute

APRIL 2025

Directed by Pollyanna Forshaw and Mary Kelly


Our first get together will be at Red Tree Theatre on Monday, January 20th at 7pm. 

We will outline the show, rehearsal schedule, distribute scripts and song sheets. 

If you can't make it then, but want to be involved, just let us know (see below).


Below are the specific characters we need:


For the One Act Play

A bristly sergeant (30-50yrs old)

A young private (up to 22 but must look very much younger e.g.15-17)

A barmaid (35-55) must be believable to have a 20 year old son

If you are interested in any of these parts or know anyone who fits the bill and might be interested, please let us know.


The ensemble characters who will be in the sketches and sing-a-longs have a variety of small parts.


This is an opportunity to be in a production that will be performed in local venues - AND  EVERYONE can be in it! 

Looking forward to seeing all interested on the 20th.


Pollyanna Forshaw and Mary Kelly (Directors)


Contact:  or text  0404 317 606




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