Wyong Drama Group hosted a very successful and enjoyable One Act Play Festival on the Central Coast over the June Long Weekend 2024 in our venue, at the Red Tree Theatre.
Community Theatre Groups from as far afield as Bingara, Pt Macquarie and Lithgow attended, as well as local groups, with a great diversity of plays performed, and adjudication by Mark & Shirley Lucas from Excalibur Theatre in Queensland.
BEST PRODUCTION: $700 + TROPHY - Sponsor: Wyong Rugby League Club
Winner: "It's Complicated" (Wyong Drama Group)
R/U BEST PRODUCTION: $350 + TROPHY - Sponsor: Wyong Rugby League Club
Winner: "Old Nick" (Players Theatre)
BEST DIRECTOR: $200 + TROPHY - Sponsor: Cruise Express
Winner: Debbi Clarke (Wyong Drama Group - "It's Complicated")
BEST ACTRESS: $250 + TROPHY - Sponsor: Creightons Funeral Service
Winner: Helen Herridge (Wyong Drama Group - "It's Complicated")
R/U BEST ACTRESS: $100 + TROPHY - Sponsor: GMS Costumes
Winner: Julie Bailey (Wyong Drama Group - "It's Complicated")
BEST ACTOR: $250 +TROPHY - Sponsor: Creightons Funeral Service
Winner: Jayson Wilkinson (Lithgow Theatre Group - "Cheating Death")
R/U BEST ACTOR: $100 + TROPHY - Sponsor: Jerry Sent Me
Winner: Bill Harrow (The Harry & Pearl Ensemble - "Mismatched")
BEST ENSEMBLE: $200 +TROPHY - Sponsor: Kennards Hire
Winner: Wyong Drama Group ("Lockdown in Little Grimley")
BEST UNPUBLISHED PLAY: $100 + TROPHY - Sponsor: Kanwal Meats
Winner: Sally Bartley for "It's Complicated"
ADJUDICATORS' AWARD: $50 + TROPHY - Sponsor: Excalibur Theatre Group
Winner: Caroline Hewis - author (Players Theatre - "Old Nick")
Winner: Esther Honey (North West Theatre Co. - "Nasty Things, Murders")
Best Design: Red Tree Theatre -"War of The Worlds"
Magic Moment Award: Amanda Gordon as Bella (Players Theatre - "Old Nick")
Backstage Conduct Award: Lithgow Theatre Group
With Many Thanks to our Sponsors:
Wyong Leagues Group Creightons Funeral Service Chittaway Motel Kennards Cruise Express Kanwal Meat Market
GMS Costume Shop 6 Strings Brewery Jerry Sent Me
[The order of the photos is (approx) as the awards were presented by Mark and Shirley on Sunday afternoon ]